Refund and Cancellation Policy
➦ All prices are based on a termly fee, individual lessons bookings are not permitted unless stated.
➦ Sneham sports academy has general ‘no refund ‘ policy , however, expectations will be made at the direction of the management.
➦ We don’t provide refunds or make-up lessons for missed sessions expects in the circumstances outlined in our clubs T&C , However, if we cancel a session then a make-up lesson will be offered, unless due to a force majeure..
➦ Make up classes cannot be transferred to the following term, nor will they be reimbursed if unused.
➦ If a member has been absent due to sickness for three consecutive sessions or more, Sneham sports Academy will offer make up lessons , an accompanying doctor note will be required.
➦ Cancellation policy-full refunds will only be issued under the following.
➦ Major illness
➦ Hospitalization and rehabilitations exceeding in one week.
➦ Relocation outside of the emirate in which the venue resides.